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Our Services

Weekly Maintenance

Full weekly service is the go-to for most pool owners. It includes all the maintenance needed to keep your pool looking its best while remaining cost-effective. We understand the effort taken by you as the homeowner to build and maintain a safe, peaceful backyard environment. Great care and attention to detail are reflected in all included services, which are:

  1. Clear pool of surface debris
  2. Clean tile as needed
  3. Vacuum floor as needed
  4. Brush pool walls weekly
  5. Empty all baskets and traps weekly or as needed
  6. Full chemical test and balance weekly
  7. Inspect and monitor equipment weekly
  8. Inspect automatic cleaner as needed
  9. Clean salt cell (if equipped) as needed

Starting at $180 per month

This price includes all routine chemical treatments


Southwest Pool Care is fully equipped to tackle that repair you’ve been meaning to get fixed, from repairing leaky plumbing to installing and upgrading your pool equipment. We also offer energy audits to make sure you’re not spending more on your monthly electric bills than necessary. Call today to schedule a repair quote.

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Filter Cleanings

Filtration is one of the three major components necessary for proper pool care. Leave it to the experts to keep your equipment running efficiently and your water clear.

Diatomaceous Earth and multi-cartridge filter cleanings are typically $95. Fresh D.E. is included for filters that require it. Small o-rings and gaskets that are worn or broken will be replaced at no additional charge. We will completely disassemble and clean the filter, note the “clean” pressure after reassembly for your convenience, and answer any questions you may have about filter care.

We will also make any necessary recommendations regarding the lifespan of your filter media, such as when to expect to replace the cartridge or D.E. grids. Rest assured knowing your filter will be clean and operating properly!

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